Sunday, April 15, 2012

Are we witnessing Afghanistan's Tet Offensive?

via SkyNews.

There has been a series of attacks across the Afghan capital Kabul, with insurgents targeting Western embassies and the parliament building.

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the co-ordinated strikes - adding that a group of armed suicide bombers had launched attacks on Nato's headquarters, the parliament and a number of diplomatic residences.
"These attacks are the beginning of the spring offensive and we had planned them for months," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid was quoted as saying.
Several explosions rocked the US, British and German embassies and a Nato military base.
One report said a rocket-propelled grenade had hit the residence of the British diplomat in Kabul.
The Foreign Office confirmed in a statement: "There is an ongoing incident in the diplomatic area of Kabul. We are in close contact with embassy staff."
A spokesman for the US embassy said it was in lockdown, but staff there were safe.
A US defence official, who did not want to be named, said the attackers were using mostly small arms and rocket-propelled grenades, and "perhaps even suicide bombers".
Afghan security forces, who are responsible for the safety of the capital, have been scrambling to reinforce areas around the diplomatic enclave of the city centre.
Read the whole thing but I wonder...

A series of coordinated attacks all across the city?

Announcements from both NATO and the Afghan government that the Afghans are ready to take control of their own security?

Years of warfare and the American public finally saying enough is enough?

If you're a student of American Military History this is really looking similar to stuff seen in the history a matter of fact all we're missing is attacks in the countryside to tie this all together.

Historians will one day mark the end of this war as beginning when we went from a pure anti-terrorist mindset and shuffled ourselves into a nation building project.

And that's the shame of this whole thing.

I bleed red, white and blue but common sense tells me that this is now a civil war.  Only that nations people can decide who the winner or loser is.  Only they can decide if women are going to be given equal rights.

All we're doing now is wasting time, money and lives.

Its time to go. 

Sidenote:  If you don't think that this was beyond coordinated then check out this story.  384 prisoners were freed from a Pakistani prison after a 4 hour gunbattle in which ---- wait for it-----4 guards were "injured"----after a 4 hour gunbattle i'm expecting to see at least a few bodies on the floor, but not in this case.  This is another example of an inside job in my opinion.  This war is over.  We didn't lose it.  The diplomats/State Dept/NGO's lost it.