Saturday, April 28, 2012

Environmentalist. Why I hate them...


  1. what a lot of rubbish!! it should be called

    "if i wanted america to choke, to death on their 9 mpg trucks" or

    "if i wanted america to die poor, because capitalism has run amoke" or

    "if i wanted america to be run for the corporate by the corporate, to protect the corporate" or

    "if i wanted america to f**k the rest of us because their doing their part"

  2. capatilism is a goods thing, but capatalism isn't always right

  3. Environmentalists are a microcosm of the problem. Liberals are the source.

  4. A very effective ad.

    There is no form of energy that doesn't impose some cost on the environment (including wind and solar).

    Climate change and environmentalism is now a religion for many, so when you try and talk moderation and common sense with these people, you are immediately demonized as backward and apathetic to the plight of the planet.

  5. Matt. SPOT ON!

    Drake. again SPOT ON. the thing that kills me is that these people don't even want to look at the science. climate change has been occurring for millions of years. a theory for the extinction of the dinosaurs is even tied to climate change! in the 70's it was a new ice age and now its a heat wave.


  6. Solomon, ice ages are linked to drastic increases in temprature, icreasing temprature melt the ice caps, which cools the sea which leads to a cooling of the planet thru disruption of the atlantic/pacific currents which essentially regulate the worlds temprature, therefore rapid cooling leading to an ice age.

    i'm not a scientist but that my layman understanding.

    Your right climate change has been occuring, of course it has but, you have to admit, man has an effect on the planet, it's our reasponsibility to try to minimise it!!

    The dino's did die because of climate change it's called an astroid hitting earth!!!


    geez. its even from a european scientist so you should believe it.

    face it. carbon taxes is just a scheme to steal money from the people and you jokers in the EU bought it hoook line and sinker.

    in the US we have a habit of fighting tyranical forces ... even if they come dressed up as the green police.

  8. "it's our reasponsibility to try to minimise it!!"

    Says who exactly? Climate would change whether we were here or not. Squandering trillions in a vain effort to keep things "the same" is idiocy of the highest order. Keep drinking Gore's Kool-Aid though, and making him and those like him rich.


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