Friday, April 13, 2012


I'm not a fan of his site.

I've held off on judgement of his book.

But after reading this, I'm gonna break down and buy it just to verify the info in this story from the Daily Mail...
Brandon Webb told how he would have to get up at 5am and run five miles just to get his breakfast, do two thousand press-ups and crawl on all fours through sand until he was physically broken.
He developed half inch deep cuts and calluses on his hands and survived a four-storey fall to the floor under the watch of brutal instructors who were like ‘demons from hell’.
But after surviving all that he suffered an even more humiliating fate when he was wired up to an electrical generator by his nipples and force fed tequila in a brutal hazing ceremony - just for lying to his superiors.
In his book The Red Circle, Mr Webb writes how he began his SEAL training in June 1997 at the age of 23 on the BUD/S course, which stands for Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL.

That just sounds gay.

I could see getting punched.


Made to PT till you puked.

But force fed tequila?  Wired up to a generator?  That sounds like some weird sex fetish thing.


If you've read the book and this is taken out of context then hit me up.  I would so love to be wrong.