Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Marine Personnel Carrier Advice.

A bit of unsolicited advice for the Marine Corps Personnel Carrier Program Office.

Pick the best all around vehicle despite the price and work from there.

If the second best vehicle is the cheapest then its a no go.  If one vehicle has dazzling electronics but can't hack it in rough terrain then its a no go.  If it can swim like there is no tommorrow but has little room for future growth and is under armored then its a no go.

Its value time.

The best all around vehicle is what the Marine Corps needs....ITS BACK TO BASICS.  For all the hammering that the AAV receives its served in one form or another for 40 years.  Why?  Because we got the basic vehicle right.

We concentrated on what was important and didn't get caught up in "whats fashionable at the time" mindset.

I would contend that the Bradley suffered from a single type war mindset.  It was designed for the Fulda Gap...Desert Storm 1 just happened to fit into the Army's concept of operations...and we had wide open territory to fight in.

Notice that the Bradley hasn't appeared in Afghanistan and the Stryker has suffered when operating in that environment.

The Marine Corps should not make that mistake.

Despite being lighter in weight than the Stryker, the LAV-25 has performed well for both the USMC and the Australian Army in that theater.  We need a vehicle that has the longevity and performance value that both the AAV and the LAV-25 have given us.

Additionally it might be wise to flow some of our MPC's over to the LAR Battalions so that we can simplify logistics.

Having looked at all the candidates...the Terrex, the Havoc, the Super AV and the Piranha III...I believe that the Havoc is the best all around vehicle in this competition.

Its already been with our AAV Battalions out at Pendleton and its reportedly a great performer.  Additionally it swims well, has outstanding cross country mobility and can carry a proper number of Marines.

Its time to get these vehicle issues off the table.  Get the MPC competition done poste haste.  Pick the Havoc and get these vehicles into the hands of our AAV and LAV Marines this year or next.


  1. Sol I'm happy to take your word that the Patria is the best performer. What interests me is the concept of operations. How many will be used to transport a reinforced rifle platoon? Also what's the target sensor and weapons fit and exactly how many dismounts does that version carry?

    Frex, if it can carry 10 do you just assign 4 to carry a platoon and either assume the attachments don't matter as the platoon is rarely full strength or is the target to carry 8 and then assign 5 or even 6?

    Moreover, is the plan to field a MPC battalion per division that can mount 3 battalions, similar to AAV battalion employment (technically the two active AAV batt can mechanize 4 each)? Also how does it look to be employed within the MEU BLT? Thanks if you've got any answer.

  2. Lane...

    let me be clear. i think its the best all around performer. the Terrex will come loaded with electronics that may or may not be of use to the Marines...the Super AV will be great in the water...and the Piranha will probably be sold at bargain basement prices but i'm looking for the best all around of the 4 and i'm sold on the Patria....at least until i see something that changes my mind.

    but you (once again) bring up another outstanding point.

    the Marine Corps kinda pulled this out of their ass to cover the lack of numbers that were coming with the EFV. they had to find a way to mechanize the rest of the force since we were only going to be able to buy (i think) a little over 500 of those beasts.

    then the program got running and the plans didn't change even though the EFV was canceled for being too expensive.

    the funny thing is that the ACV is suppose to be cheaper and is suppose to be procured on a 1 for 1 replacement for the AAV. kinda makes you wonder why we still need it don't it?

    but i'll take them on their word that they do. which leads to your question.

    i have no idea. e-mail will be sent to the program office to try and get details.


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