Saturday, April 28, 2012

Marine Personnel Carrier Contest. A look at the Terrex.

The Terrex IFV is from all appearances a technologically advanced (although not to any greater degree than other vehicles in its class) 8x8.

Confusion arises when talking about the different generations.  The first series of Terrex ICV were identified as AV-81's.  Current models retain the same nomenclature but differ in appearance. 

 Terrex ICV

Quite honestly I can't see much that jumps out and hits me with the "wow" factor.  The Singaporean Army is acquiring 135, Turkey negotiated production rights but has not inducted it into its own military and Malaysia is supposedly buying 420 of them but wants to produce them locally.

Wheeled 8x8 Infantry Carrier Vehicles are all the rage today but they've been historically labeled as armored cars.  The idea of using them in a combat role...even for the transportation of troops up to the fight instead of into it would have seemed beyond crazy a couple of decades ago.

But I'm off topic.  The armored vehicle market is changing.  The hottest market on the planet currently is the Pacific Rim and most of the power players produce their own vehicles locally supporting domestic firms.  Its my belief that publicity and street cred is the goal here.

Singapore Kinetics wants to get its vehicle out in front of potential customers.  The Marine Personnel Carrier Program fits the bill.

My earlier analysis stands.  The Terrex will get a look but isn't situated to win the competition.