Friday, April 27, 2012

The most powerful political ad this year.

This is the most powerful political ad I've seen this year.  Even the President's most fevered supporters are left speechless after watching this...the Morning Joe pair were left clawing for words.  I consider that priceless.  Anyway, I'm sure you've seen it, but drink it all in again...and wonder how you're going to vote this fall.


  1. CNN is trying to play it off as actually helping to make the president look good at the beginning. Haha.

  2. Yep, they nailed alright. The loathesome Republican contingent in Congress did everything they could to stop programs and policies that would have helped get us out of this mess - then blamed the guy for not doing enough and convinced the clueless base that it's good for them to give everything to the richest.

    Nailed it.

    1. This needs to be shown to the idiot stars who paid $40M to support this a-hole... George C. are you listening??


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