Saturday, April 28, 2012

Our Afghan Allies are still trying to kill us.

WASHINGTON - In shootings not previously reported by American authorities, two U.S. soldiers were wounded in an attack by two Afghan police officers, extending a worrying pattern of violent clashes between supposed allies.
The two Americans were shot Wednesday by the Afghans near Kandahar city, and the shooters were quickly killed by U.S. troops, according to a U.S. defense official. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an incident that, by policy, the coalition military command in Kabul considers an internal matter.
Spokesmen for the U.S.-led international military coalition in Afghanistan have said their policy is to publicly report only those incidents of Afghan forces shooting at coalition forces if a coalition member is killed. If coalition troops are wounded but not killed, or if the Afghan shooter fails to hit anyone, the incident is not disclosed.
About two hours after the two U.S. soldiers were wounded, a separate clash occurred in which an Afghan soldier opened fire with a machine gun on a group of U.S. and Afghan special operations soldiers returning to their base after conducting an operation, U.S. officials said.

Say this shit out loud.

Afghans that we're suppose to be training, that we've sacrificed for, that we've rebuilt there sorry ass country are now killing, wounding and taking pot shots at us?

If it was a comedy it wouldn't be funny.  Since this is real its beyond tragic.

Past time to leave that fucked up ass country.  THEY (the Afghan people) are NOT worth it.

Public Affairs Officers from the Marine Corps, Army, Navy and every alphabet US Agency can have Afghan children posing with Marines, Soldiers, Sailors or Airmen and it won't change a thing.  Humanitarians can cry about the plight of Women once we leave and it won't change a thing.  The Afgahn society is fried.  Millions of dollars and thousands of lives lost can't change that fact.