The debate between the Harrier and Tornado....and which one would have proved more useful to the UK nation still rages.
You might ask would be a good question and the answer is credibility. Senior Military Leadership along with a willing aviation media went along with the lie that the Tornado was more effective. We all know that to NOT be the case.
Your next question is why continue the debate since the UK sold its Harriers to the US. The answer again is that since Senior Military Leadership and the aviation media both participated in the lie that the Tornado was more effective, its important to take a good look at the issue with an eye toward future procurement.
Unfortunately service politics, media muscle flexing and a few deranged individuals all have conspired to weaken UK's defense posture.
Arrogance run amok is a site to behold.
Fortunately, Grand Logistics cuts thru the noise and gives nothing but the "facts" in his latest blog piece. Check him out here.