Thursday, May 03, 2012

Battle Rattle. Poser alert.

When I say Battle Rattle and poser alert check this out.

CDR Salamander had this story yesterday....full with photo and a link to the source...Then Battle Rattle picked up today and acted as if they conducted some type of forensic investigation in order to determine the real truth behind the deal.

What posers!  But this part has me wanting to punch walls...
The Daily Mail, a British tabloid, ran a story today about some “Marines” in Afghanistan sporting tight pink shirts with pop-star Justin Bieber on them. When I first saw the headline I thought why would any U.S. Marine — a hardened warrior — sport a tight Justin Bieber shirt?
These are the same guys that have taken pride in showing US Marines in the most unflattering light possible, and now they want to act like they're defenders of the Globe and Eagle?

Fuck them.