Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Brit Junglies support youth activities.

via Royal Navy News.
Naval aviators flew scores of missions over Dartmoor at the weekend to support a massive outdoor challenge involving over 2,000 young people.
Sea Kings and Lynx transported food, equipment, people and even a few injured youngsters, as they helped out at the annual Ten Tors challenge.
Helicopters from Yeovilton provided support throughout the weekend with a Lynx Mk 8 from 815 Naval Air Squadron and two Sea King Jungly Commando Helicopter Force aircraft from 848 Naval Air Squadron – including one painted in the force’s famous green and white stripes.
Over the busy weekend the helicopters lifted more than 50 under-slung loads to the tors, resupplying items from jerrycans of water and rations to radio equipment and safety stores.
They helicopters also lifted over 500 people to remote outcrops on the moor, reaching the most inaccessible corners, many miles from roads or the rough tracks which criss-cross the landscape.

There were also more than 40 minor casualties airlifted off the moor, either back to the base camp at Okehampton or straight to Derriford Hospital in Plymouth. All the casualties have since left hospital and return with their starting teams.
“We train and fly over Dartmoor quite a lot, and it can produce some really awful weather. Ten Tors gives us an ideal chance to train with real people in real situations,” said Cdr Richard Sutton – 848 NAS’ Commanding Officer and also one of the pilots for the Ten Tors.
Brigadier Piers Hankinson, Commanding Officer of 43 Wessex Brigade who runs the event, said: “It is tough for them. The routes are arduous and they have to carry everything they will need with them. To complete Ten Tors takes considerable determination and commitment.”
This is pretty awesome.

In my way of thinking this would be similar to the US Navy and Marines supporting a Boy Scout Jamboree.

Love it.