Thursday, May 31, 2012

Combat Qualified Frontline Airmen.

Some terrorist is shitting his pants at the thought of meeting these breast feeding mothers in a dark cave.

Read the story here.


  1. He's probably thinking what I'm thinking. Check out that MILF on the left.

  2. The one on the left? Cougar pattern? Seriously?

    Poor kids

  3. we used to joke that the Mothers of America Association was outside the Military trying to pussify it. now i see i was wrong.


  4. i guess solomon, your a beliver in "bottle is best", whether, a mum has big tits or not has no baring on her military service.


    geez. i get so tired of how many people always are so quick to make allowances for people no matter what kind of idiocy they engage in. why a woman has to breast feed in public is beyond me but ok....BUT IF YOU'RE IN FUCKING UNIFORM YOU SHOULD HAVE THE RESPECT TO AT LEAST GET BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.

    to all. i'll read your comments on this but i really don't give a fuck if you agree or not. you can kiss my ass. I JUST THANK GOD THAT ITS NOT A MARINE UNIFORM THIS SILLY BITCH IS WEARING.

    1. you profess, to be a "libertarian", supporting ron paul, but are against alot of things ron paul stands for? ron stands for above all else the u.s. constituation, which gives everyone the right of free speech, not talking about myself here, but a picture is a form of "free speech", therefore you should support mum's in uniform standing up for what they believe in, fighting for there country, right to breastfeed, even in uniform in public.

      side note: picture is clearly staged, for the camera, but the idea still stands

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. The only silly bitch he wants to teach a lesson is you.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. hey Huron Serenity....go suck a dick you faggot.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Uh huh. Air Guard.
    We seem to be experiencing the return of the FANG.
    Breastfeeding in public? OK for civilians in civilian garb, although my wife and most of her generation that made breastfeeding socially acceptable again always at least threw a frickin' baby blanket over the activities. And I'm pretty sure they didn't do it to make the world safe for this kind of sh*t.
    This is 'out of uniform' for a photo op for some activist cause.
    Letter of Reprimand minimum if their commander (he or she) has a 'hair'.

  7. i wonder if the babies in the picture is taken too literally by the pentagon when they said they wanted to downsize the military? hmmm...:)

  8. Far as I know breastfeeding in uniform doesn't violate any regulations and I seriously doubt anyone is that politically tone deaf to think for a moment they can bring these women up on charges.

    The entire matter is a cultural thing. Some people don't see a thing wrong with breast feeding and others think it should be covered up and/or not seen in public. Personally I've always liked both tits and babies so I don't get why putting the two together equates to a negative but hell I've always leaned libertarian so maybe I'm missing why it might offend someone.

    1. I don't give a damn about breastfeeding in public. Uniform and makeup and a certain feeling of photo-op are putting me on edge.

    2. Not violate any regulation? You’re kidding...
      Best Senior NCO command voice:
      Air Force Instruction 36-2903 clearly illustrates that your ABU blouse SHALL BE BUTTONED appropriately, and GIVEN that your one-each 'desert sand' t-shirt SHALL be worn UNDER the ABU coat and TUCKED into the trousers--though your t-shirt may be worn un-tucked while wearing the maternity ABU and must be tucked in for all others. NOW, unless it has been determined by competent medical authorities and approved by your commander, those aren't maternity blouses you are wearing, and EVEN IF THEY ARE, they're STILL NOT buttoned, and I'm da*ned certain the uniform board does not include being pulled up to your chinny-chin-chins, while showing your FREAKIN' breasts within the definition of 'un-tucked' - even IF AIRRRMEN you have seen fit to attach non-regulation, non-issue, organisms to the ends of 'em, no matter how da*ned cute and cuddly you may think they are or how 'good' it makes you feel.
      NOW AIRRR-MEN!- Tell me:
      ONE: What made you THINK that what is perfectly acceptable away from public wearing of the uniform is ALSO acceptable as part of a 'photo-shoot?
      TWO: Can either one of you girl-geniuses tell me of ONE situation concerning the wearing of the uniform, ANY SITUATION, that would be MORE public than the stunt you just pulled?
      THREE: WHO is the poor, miserable wretch that has been so cursed with the unfortunate destiny of just happening to be your First Sergeant?

  9. I can understand what Sol and others are saying.

    They could have just as easily taken this picture in regular garb. Why did they feel the need to have a picture of them taken breast feeding in the uniform?

    1. maybe to emyphasize, mum's can serve aswell, or maybe just to incite debate

    2. Maybe people should stop playing politics in the one area of American society that has remained relatively politics free.

    3. ok, i'd agree, to an extent with that statement.

  10. If there is a regulation against breastfeeding please post it. Stating it's a uniform violation is an opinion unless it's in fact ever been enforced in that manner. In my opinion nobody is really stupid enough to attempt to enforce a breastfeeding ban.

    1. If you can't admit you're wrong, at least stop being intentionally thick and just drop this one.

      It is clearly a uniform violation as I referenced above already. And it is hardly sexist, because NOBODY is allowed to wear the ABU blouse unbuttoned.
      And since this stunt was done to make a breastfeeding activism 'statement' while in uniform, in a non-PC world 'conduct unbecoming' charges would already be forthcoming.

    2. Either it's permissible to breastfeed in uniform or it isn't. Trying to make an argument that it's technically a uniform violation is absurd unless it's actually enforced.

      That aside beginning a reply with a childish mantra and insults says a lot more about the quality of your argument and general level of civility than anything regarding me. It's one thing to assume I'm an idiot but a big leap of faith to assert I'm not only fully aware of it but flaunting it.

    3. The ‘intentionally thick’ observation was commentary on what I had assumed was your careful avoidance of the two real issues which, to be explicitly clear (on the chance a casual observer finds this thread and to remove any opportunity for a weasel response) are:
      1. ‘Breastfeeding in uniform, in public’ and
      2. Doing same in support of an activist cause.
      Take away the ‘public’ and take away the ‘activist cause’ and there is no problem with ‘breastfeeding in uniform’. I am aware of no one who has clearly stated otherwise.
      The blanket statement: “Either it's permissible to breastfeed in uniform or it isn't” conveniently oversimplifies the situation to the point that it does violence to the phenonema at hand. For the moment, I assume that too is intentional: one that conveniently allows you to pursue a tactic of argumentum ad nauseum.
      So you see I wasn’t assuming you were an “idiot”, just argumentative – this time on a topic you either know nothing about and/or one you saw as opportunistic and pursued for some unknown (and irrelevant to the topic at hand) personal reason, of which you may or may not even be fully aware.
      You reinforce my assumptions with your “trying to make an argument that it's technically a uniform violation is absurd unless it's actually enforced” statement. Tautologically, that is akin to “I wasn’t driving recklessly because the officer decided not to give me a ticket.” But I assume you know that as well. Air Force Instruction 36-2903 gives their commander(s) the authority to bring charges under Article 92 of the UCMJ for this kind of behavior, and commanders throughout history have frequently done so when offenders choose not to accept non-judicial punishment. That their commander(s) to date appear to have chosen not to punish says more about the commanders, and perhaps the declining state of the Air Guard or the Air Force or even the DoD than anything else.
      But if you persist with what I have to-date perceived as feigned naiveté in arguing against a 'Strawman’ that no one has put forward, I am open minded and so willing to revise my thoughts more along the lines of your heretofore incorrect accusations.

  11. it says more about the declining state of the Department of Defense SMSGT Mac than it does about the USAF in general or the Air National Guard in particular.

    the Commanders of these women know that they would be smacked so hard by HQAF that it would make a MACH 6 missile look slow. people like Lane seek to bring the military services down to the level of society instead of raising society to the level of the military. its sad, pathetic but oh so apparent.

  12. Actually I rather carefully avoided making a value judgement on the issue but rather pointed out the notion that nobody was interested enough in career suicide to punish them.

    Sol you want to get annoyed because standards are lowered to accommodate women fine I agree whether it's the infantry or the fire dept. If you want to complain about breastfeeding whether it's in relation to being in uniform, in public, or whatever, that's your privilege.

    To be clear no I don't have any problem whatsoever with breastfeeding in any context. That's not a statement on society but rather my personnel view that it's none of my business when other people's babies are hungry.

    Frankly there's a long list of things I think are wrong, immoral, or even disgusting that I don't think it's any of my business telling people they shouldn't do. This isn't one of them. So yeah put me down for supporting babies and breasts.

    As for society we're far more hung up on nudity and sex then is healthy and in many ways American culture has always been rather prudish. If you want to observe the military is even more prudish than the rest of society fine but I agree to disagree on whether that's a positive or negative.

  13. its not about being prudish. its about good order and discipline. you start allowing this type of thing in uniform and you're opening the door to the type of disorder that is NOT good for the military.

    i believe a person has the right to do whatever it is they want. in private. you don't see two humans fucking in the middle of the street. do you? you can't tell if a guy is straight or gay when he walks in a door can you? but you can if they push it in your face.

    its not about being prudish. its about being respectful to others around you. oh and might i add to yourself. women want to do this in public but if 5 guys stop, pull out popcorn and start oogling this chick then its a problem .... with them! and she put herself out there.

    sorry LANE, i still don't buy it and i don't care what you think about American culture. clean up your own house first.

  14. It's interesting that you relate "this type of thing" (breastfeeding) to sex and "oogling". I don't see any need whatsoever to clean up my house given I don't see feeding a baby as a sexual act.

    Every single instance where one might possibly glimpse female anatomy is not a sexual situation.


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