Wednesday, May 09, 2012

The discussion continues at USNI Blog...

The conversation on USNI Blog continues.

Much to the surprise of the blogger, the Female Major Cobra Pilot, her views are not carrying the day.  She assumed that the military is so politically correct, so inept, so forgetful of its position in the nations defense, that no matter how nonsensical her views are, the "establishment" would agree.


Didn't happen lady.  You can have all the people in the world throw up their fingers in the wind and try to be on the popular side of the issue but in the end warriors know the truth.

And you don't like that one bit do ya?  So in the end .....

The slack jaw cowards that run that shop are moderating my comments.  I replied to BJ Armstrong and its still being embargoed.  It follows....
  • Sol Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Really BJ?
    (Some of the folks in the milblog world appear to have studied in the Schools of Classical Misogynism, complete with women in the kitchen and serve me coffee references as well as accusations of misquote when they consistently do the same. And we wonder why there’s discussion of the death of the milblog genre?)
    Is that the best you can come up with?
    You have a Marine Corps Officer. An Aviator that is wanting to take time off not so that she can further her education (which is a benefit to the Marine Corps) but to help raise her kids.
    She is identifying herself as being female through her own statements. Her hook>>>her words not mine>>>>and the general tone of her entire presentation showed one thing.
    She wants it all and the Marine Corps is not providing her an avenue to do it.
    Now say it out loud. Look in the mirror when you do and ask yourself is that in the best interests of the Marine Corps or is it better for her to do like so many others have.
    Enjoyed their time in service and moved on.
    Your argument is lacking, your bias obvious and your attempt at chivalry unconvincing (if males are running to defend a female in a debate…no matter how heated, then what will happen in combat?).
    You have the audacity to throw stones at me, yet shrivel at the thought of challenging others that don’t agree with your viewpoints. You and the good Major have that in common. Freaking amazing.
    I’ll do you this favor cowboy. I’ll back off this blog (I don’t like the smell—speaking clearly, plainly and forcefully is definitely out of style) and you and the others can duke it out. But make sure that you challenge their more “reasoned” statements.
    I don’t think you will but it’ll be fun to watch if you do.

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