A special thank you goes to the People's Republic of China.
You have successfully scared the shit out of your neighbors, risk making your number one trading partner your mortal enemy (despite attempts by liberals, misguided capitalist, and silly free market junkies) and are on the brink of societal collapse.
With all those issues you still found the time to cobble together a slightly stealthy, oversized, weak engined, single man fighter with questionable avionics....but because of your inferiority complex...because of your desire to beat the US militarily instead of economically with your poorly paid labor force you have finally woken the fools in Congress.
The critics of the F-35 MIGHT have carried the day if you had planned properly. If you had presented yourself as only an economic and not military competitor things might have turned out differently.
Now. All bets are off.
The F-35 will go into production.
You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.The J-20 is an indication that the F-35 scares the Chinese. That's a good thing.