Thursday, May 03, 2012

Heroism vs. Politics.

"Suppose the Navy SEALs had been captured or killed...the down side would have been horrible for him (the President)"

I think that says it all.

Heroism vs. Politics.  Some of us know the difference. 


  1. hay solomon,

    so i guess your a republican, that likes "attack ads", there just low, you can take any situation, event or anything anyone says and twist it. The second biggest failing of bush's presidency, was letting bin laden get away, the first being the economic collapse of your country, pulling the rest of the western world into recession.

    the president, as the "commander in chief" is ultimately responsible for the armed forces, takes political hits, when things go wrong & should conversly share in the glory when things have gone right!
    He's not the first president to use the military, for political gain, remember the infamous, bush media spot on the USS Abraham Lincoln, declaring major combat operations over.

    I dont really like obama personally, but If he cant be happy a 10 year trillion dollar man hunt is over, that smacks of hating the man, because of what he represents, not what his actions where, or put it another way if bush had ordered his death he'd be shouting it from the roof tops!!

    1. This President has (I) disease, a big ego,
      the same as the one found in Isaiah 14:12-15

  2. The man hunt would have gone on whoever was in office. The advice offered by the military would have been the same. Not have gone would have been unthinkable.

    Over here one Tony Blair was quite happy for kids from what you would term projects to go to war for him while his own son went to Washington as an intern. Heck even the Queen's son grandson goes to war for the politicians. Never ever the children of the Left leaning chattering middle classes.

    Always rings hollow when politicians supposedly take risks.

  3. Romney and Bush had given up looking for the guy after Tora Bora. All of a sudden he wasn't important anymore. Look at the statements from each at the time (try "google").

    If Bush had given the order and it had worked, he'd be landing on the carrier all over again and Cheney wouldn't be able to contain himself.

  4. face facts gents. this ad hit close to the mark and the only people rushing to my blog to defend the President are people from other countries.

    thats telling.

    the news media can dress it up and tell lies but we all know that Obama fucked up. he spent damn near two years chasing his health care bill that the AMERICAN people don't want (you Canadians and Brits might but the AMERICAN people don't) and the CIA and SOCOM tracked Bin Laden down and iced the bastard and Obama is trying to take credit.

    that's the facts gents.

    i guess this (yeah i'm repeating myself) vid hit REAL close to home for you liberal huh?

    1. just to be clear i dont really like the guy eighter but i'm not gonna latch onto a non issue to say here, here's why you shouldn't like him!!!!!

      I'll be honest, i don't think many "liberals", will frequent your blog.

      Do you like attack ad's?

      hasn't every president in the past not trumpeted, shared the glory of succesfull military campaigns.

      do you not think, as the commander in chief should share in succeses & failures

      Did you actually read what i'd said? "attack ads dont serve anyone, their akin to nuclear weapons, you strike, they'll strike back, all they serve is to, piss off your opponent. then they fire back with other half truths etc etc, no one wins, it just serves to polorise opinions, to the point where there can be no middle ground, where the truth usually lies down to die.

      bush has used the ,military just as much, for political gain, as well as every other president before him. so please get off your high horse with all this over blown false indignation, for a guy you clearly didn't like to begin with.

      oh yeah health reforms, the richest country in the world, cant give everyone, a decent health system, THATS A JOKE!!
      a joke where foreign doctors setup clinics in football stadiums, to treat those too poor to afford basic healthcare, that should be a shame on your country. the nhs isn't perfect, but i know if i'm ill ill get treated, they wont want my credit card first.

      Why dont you ask the 20 or 30 million americans without health insurance, if they want universal healthcare.


  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. "Why dont you ask the 20 or 30 million americans without health insurance, if they want universal healthcare."

    Let them pay for it themselves then. Don't come looking for my wallet.

    1. typical answer, i dont care!!! point is, hope you never get seriously ill & have to declare bankruptchy, because your insurance runs out, or doesn't cover all the treatments you need.

    2. Even if I did find myself in that situation I wouldn't come begging for someone else's money. My problem, it's up to me to find a solution.

    3. opinions change when your loosing your house, your wifes leaving you over money worries, your raiding your 401k to pay off those health bills, then working till you die because those prescriptions you take cost half your salary. I'd like too see how long you'd keep that opinion.

      The rich guys like to keep you stupid, so they can suck you dry with dividends, extorted drug prices etc etc. We in britain, dont pay for prescriptions, doctor visits, hospital visits, surgery, seprately,we pay thru direct taxation, mostly. per capita we spend $3,100 a year, that covers everything, no added extra's. you spend on average per capita $7,500. Where did the extra money go? especially when you consider the world health organisation ranks america 37th, whereas britain scores 18th best health system!!! you pay twice the money for a twice as bad system, awesome!!! ok ok that data about ranking 12 years ago, the "WHO" stopped compiling the statistics, cause america threatend B-52 bomber strikes "sarcasm"

    4. some words for ya...

      value added tax.

      carbon tax.

      congestion tax.

      entry into city square tax.

      tax for taking a shit.

      tax for dyinig.

      tax for living.

      tax for breathing.

      tax for sleeping.

    5. you forgot the tv license tax £150, for a colour tv licence!!!!

  7. not only that but its a lie that the uninsured don't get health care. even more this bill that the President put forth isn't health reform, its health enlargement. he's adding people to the public dole without a way to pay for it.

    in essence its the worst of both worlds.

    additonally if US health care is so jacked up then why do Canadians, Brits, Saudis and others run to our country for care instead of heading to Europe or Canada?

    probably because you'll die while waiting for tests!

    1. Sigh. The much vaunted American healthcare system. Nice if you can afford it (or can get it).

      There's no arguement that if I needed a heart or lung transplant right now and I had the megabucks to pay for it, the US is the place to be, but to perpetuate this myth that Canadians (or anyone else) is flocking to the US is just low-information Fox News stupid (Hi, "sferrin").

      From the peer-reviewed journal "Health Affairs", 18000 Canadians that had received some form of health care in the US in 2010 participated in a survey. It seems just 90 actually elected to do so. The rest were all unexpected or emergency visits.

      Single payer is the only way to control and drive down costs. The solution accepted by all industrialised countries except you-know-where.

    2. Double sigh, The american health system is good if you can pay for it! thats the point, I've heard, of brits going over to the u.s. for live saving treatments, of course i have, but the cases are rare Polaris made a good point, that 90 people out of 18000, elected to have treatment in the u.s, whereas thousands of americans hope across the boarder into canada, to get cheap prescriptions filled.

      about waiting lists, my most recent experience with the nhs

      brand spanking new gp surgery, made an appointment on wednesday, saw the doctor this morning.

      My gran passed away 2 months ago, collapsed at home, in hospital three days (brand new, uses robots as porters!!!), sent home, gp was out everyday, practice nurse, was out to help with care at home, passed in her sleep in her own bed, was ill for a long time, knew it was coming.

      anyways my point, my gran & self both received excelent care & dont believe everything you hear on fuexnews! about waiting lists on the nhs, or death panels or people being left to die in corridors.

    3. are you talking about medicare medicaid?, don't they have finite amounts of money the'y pay towards treatments over a year before it runs out, plus drugs are extortionatly priced, so it really doesn't go far, if your seriously ill.

      prescription drugs in the u.k. are esentially free, some have to pay a nominal fee, "england" £10 per prescription, or prepay for the year something like £100, in scotland all prescription drugs are free. I'm not 100% certain on those figures, but there not far out.

    4. @Polaris:

      "US is just low-information Fox News stupid (Hi, "sferrin")"

      Where did I say anything about Canadian healthcare? Oh, that's right, I didn't. How 'bout a nice hot cup of STFU?

  8. solomon, you need to add a direct link to your most popular post on the right, so we can get to them fast!!!

  9. @darren1678: "opinions change when your loosing your house, your wifes leaving you over money worries, your raiding your 401k to pay off those health bills, then working till you die because those prescriptions you take cost half your salary. I'd like too see how long you'd keep that opinion. "

    Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. I was uninsured and unemployed and had to empty my 401k to pay my medical bills and get by until I got back to work. And I still feel the same way. The funniest thing about you liberals is you can't see what you're advertising about yourself. Apparently you're so lacking in self-respect, dignity, and self-reliance, that you think it a right to fleece other people so you don't have to take care of yourself. You're pathetic.

  10. lol, glad your so self reliant, i would rather pay an amount every year thru tax & and not leave myself destitute, if the worst happens. hay but thats me
    i wouldn't say i'm a liberal, i'm more a labour supporter, in britain there's a difference. i like, believe in nuclear deterence, would love to triple the size of the royal navy. Both hardly typical liberal stand points.


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