Thursday, May 10, 2012

The latest USNI Blog post. The Major won't quit.

The conversation on USNI Blog continues apace.

This time our good Major has switched tactics.  Now she seeks to form solidarity with the readership.  Understand that the reaction to her first two posts were overwhelmingly negative so in order to regain the initiative she's hitting her readers with this drivel (go here to read the whole thing)...
Many readers brought up legitimate points that deserve attention.  It’s a disservice to brush over these, and I have barely even started scratching the surface.  So I’m going to simplify things.  This will (hopefully) be a long-running blog, so I’ll try to stick to addressing one issue per post, posting only every week or so, as time allows.
First issue: is this just about my choices, or is it bigger than that?
For the first few years after my oldest was born, I was on AD, and the scarcity of other female pilots (and absolute lack of pilots who were also single mothers) meant all of my decisions were made in a vacuum with little outside guidance/support.  When faced with the reality of what I was trying and failing to do, I looked at my options and chose the only one that made sense given what was available.  I got out.  Switched over to the Reserves.
It sounds reasonable at first glance right?


Again she's blaming the Marine Corps for a life choice that she made.  Notice the word craft at play here.

"...I was trying and failing to do, I looked at my options and chose the only one that made sense given what was available.  I got out."

You either do or you don't.  There is no try.  Caveman thinking?  Perhaps in this day in age, but to say I was trying my best to be a good Marine and Mother but I was failing so after examining all options I got taking responsibility in the first part of the statement...I was failing...and then laying blame in the second half....chose the only option that made sense given what was available.

Why should the Marine Corps compromise?  Why must we give you a rose garden?  Why should special accommodation be given to you because you're a woman?

And make no mistake about it.  Continued under performing would have been reflected on her annual FitReps.  If she didn't make a decision then a decision would have been made for her.

But she knows that.

But the following is what really burns me up and has me ready to punch walls...
My experience has shown me that it’s not just me, not by far.  As more women enter the service, dual military marriages increase, and men take on greater responsibilities at home because of shifting gender roles, increasing loss of mid-grade enlisted and officer members absolutely will affect readiness and numbers.   Many of the responses back this up.
The Reserves are one choice, made by many.  But the inefficiencies of the Reserves bother me, the severe limitations of the Reserve contributions.  Within my own job I’ve tried to manage that and somewhat improve it, but why stop there?  Innovation is not the enemy.  There are certainly holes in some of the ideas I will propose in future blogs.  But that’s where informed, open-minded readers come in.
There are shortages in the force, even with manpower drawdowns.  There are members—of both genders, again—that want to stay but cannot with existing policies.  Is it possible to be on the tip of a spear, or to make flag rank, pursuing alternate career paths like those I’ve suggested and will suggest?  Likely not.  But most of us would happy to retire at 20 or 30 at any rank as long as we feel we were able to make a difference and continue to serve.
 Sorry for the bum rush I'm about to hit ya with but here we go....
My experience has shown that it's not just me, not by far.
Oh OK, so what you're telling us is that this nonstop whining is being done by others?  Not buying it. You chose to grace the pages of that blog with this false controversy all for selfish motives.  Now you seek cover by including others in your issue.
 But the inefficiencies of the Reserves bother me, the severe limitations of the Reserve contributions
This one is too easy.  If she knows of ways to improve the efficiency of the Reserve Component then their are far too many avenues available for her to make recommendations.  On a local level and Reserve wide.  This has the feel of a false crusade.  With the Major acting as the heroine, enlightening the stupid, sexist Marine Corps, not because she wants to change things to help herself...NO!  She wants the changes to make the Marine Corps Reserve more efficient.

But most of us would happy to retire at 20 or 30 at any rank as long as we feel we were able to make a difference and continue to serve. 
Hell, a private wants to be a Sgt.  A Sgt want to be a Gunny.  A Gunny wants to be a Sgt Major.  A Sgt Major wants to be the Sgt Major of the Marine Corps.  And I can play the exact same games with the Officer ranks.

Shit!  I wanted to be Commandant (quite honestly I still do....the changes I would make!).

One last thing.

You're wondering what all this has to do with the first 5 minutes of Full Metal Jacket.

Quite simple.

The Marine Corps works best.  The nation works best when ALL are treated equally.  No favoritism for race, color, sex or national heritage.

This thinly veiled blog post is calling for special treatment for women.  She'll probably prevail and that's the shame of it all.


  1. I use to have the first five minutes memorized. Love that tirade :-). "You had best square your ass away and start shitting me Tiffany cuff-links or I will definitely fuck you up." ROFL!.

  2. "The nation works best when ALL are treated equally. No favoritism for race, color, sex or national heritage."

    So true but unfortunately we have the exact opposite in place. Cultural marxism lead by a president who is truly an affirmative action beneficiary extraordinaire...

  3. Well that's one of the challenge on female marine. But it must not be the obstacle of what we want to achieve. to think, we are much stronger than the gents.


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