Monday, May 28, 2012

The M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle. We chose the wrong round!

Hitting the usual war movies while barbecuing and I keep seeing the Browning Automatic Rifle in all these films and it got me to wondering.

Is the M27 IAR a good idea but wrapped in the wrong rifle round?

The M240 is a beast of a weapon on patrol and is often left behind because of it.  But imagine if you were able to lay down precision automatic rifle fire at the ranges that a 7.62mm round is capable of.

A new built Browning Automatic Rifle type weapon, married with modified C-Mags or Surefire 60 round mags all wrapped with the 7.62mm round could actually be a game changer.  Why this was never considered is beyond me...and if it was but got rejected makes me wonder why.

Modern materials should make it rather easy to get this weapon below the 15 pound mark (empty) and if it was also fired open bolt and had a heavy barrel we should get similar performance but with much greater hitting power than we are with the M27.

The Marine Corps should at least study the concept.