Tuesday, May 22, 2012

RivRon 1 on deployment.

NOTE:  I've been calling for these guys to get off the beach and get out on deployment and they finally have.  Despite the Big Navy's confusion, one thing is obvious.  Amphibs are not only few in number but are also going to be high demand resources.  The Marine Corps better be prepared to wall off its requirement or you'll see pilfering from SOCOM, Riverines and other Units.

Gulf of Thailand (May 21, 2012) U.S. Navy Operations Specialist 1st Class Steve Vaillancourt, assigned to Riverine Squadron (RIVRON) 1, signals Royal Thai navy Chief Udorn Harin, of the Royal Thai navy Riverine Patrol Regiment's Riverine Squadron 1, during a riverine training exercise for Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Thailand 2012. CARAT is a series of bilateral exercises held annually in Southeast Asia to strengthen relationships and enhance force readiness. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Daniel J. Calderón/Released)

GULF OF THAILAND (May 21, 2012) A Royal Thai navy Riverine Patrol Regiment and U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Riverine Squadron (RIVRON) 1 participate in riverine operation exercises aboard a special operations craft-riverine (SOC-R) during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Thailand 2012. CARAT is a series of bilateral exercises held annually in Southeast Asia to strengthen relationships and enhance force readiness. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Aaron Glover/Released)

GULF OF THAILAND (May 21, 2012) A Royal Thai navy Riverine Patrol Regiment and U.S. Navy Sailors assigned to Riverine Squadron (RIVRON) 1 participate in riverine operation exercises aboard a special operations craft-riverine (SOC-R) during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Thailand 2012. CARAT is a series of bilateral exercises held annually in Southeast Asia to strengthen relationships and enhance force readiness. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Aaron Glover/Released)