Friday, May 11, 2012

Scout Swimmers Course.

Note:  With the Marine Corps vowing to get even more "amphibious" (whatever that means...I thought we already were) I envision even greater roles for Scout Swimmers.  I predict and I could easily be wrong, but with MARSOC demanding more personnel, that we could see a combining of Scout Swimmer with Scout Snipers for a true in house Recon it a Scout Platoon within the Regiment with detachments shopped out to MEU's.  But that's just my future vision.

Photos by Lance Cpl. Erik Brooks

Marines wash up to the shore at Kin Blue Training Area during a scout swimmers course April 30. Marines learned how to operate using different methods of entry and egress from the beach. The technique known as “washing up” allows Marines to use the natural effects of the waves to carry them ashore.

Marines secure the beach after conducting a clandestine landing at the Kin Blue Training Area during a scout swimmers course April 30. The Marines landed in pairs to provide security for each other as they moved up the beach. Course attendees included Marines with 3rd Intelligence Battalion and 3rd Radio Battalion, both part of III Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group, III MEF.

A Marine secures the beach after a clandestine landing at the Kin Blue Training Area during a scout swimmers course April 30.