Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We're all bomb makers now.

Knowing how to build a bomb is one thing.

Classifying common house hold goods as bomb making components is something else though.  Check out this story from
Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, who was AWOL from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, bought pressure cookers, clocks, wires and other bomb-making components at a Dallas-area store in the early morning of July 26, according to surveillance footage and receipts shown to jurors. Abdo then paid $400 for a taxi ride to Killeen, Texas, just outside Fort Hood, arriving about 3:30 a.m. at a motel, the cabdriver testified.
After police acting on a tip detained Abdo at the motel July 27, they say they found the items in his room and backpack. He was stopped just hours before completing assembly of the bomb, showing he "intended to commit mass murder," prosecutor Gregg Sofer told jurors earlier Tuesday during opening statements.
Don't take me the wrong way.

I have absolutely no sympathy for this son of a bitch.

He can fry in hell and I hope they fill his IV with Drano.

But when did clocks, wires and pressure cookers become bomb making components?  In some ways I think the terrorist have won.