Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Day in the Life of X-47B


  1. Hopefully one of these won't fall out of the sky into the hands of the Iranians. What ever happened to the RQ-170? Have you heard anything about what happened, and why it was not destroyed before it got out of range of the operators?

  2. not sure if you will agree Sol but i think this may be as much of a game changer as the 35 will be if not more, not only launching from carriers but a few dozen of these from land bases can decimate a fleet or SEAD missions, will be great to see them deployed.

  3. loss rate joe. its all about loss rate. when you figure that this is suppose to operate off carrier decks and figure in the loss rate for these aircraft then you can also figure that they'll cost more money than they're worth.

    i see this as an evolutionary dead end. manned aircraft will always be superior. anti-aircraft systems are too advanced and prop proppelled uavs are too vulnerable.

  4. What keeps the Chinese from jamming these things?

  5. good point. even video game makers are wargaming the Chinese getting the ability to hack these airplanes and use them against us.

    uav's are a dead end. they'll be great for police work. we will complete our evolution into a police state that Bush and McCain have started us on and no democrat is trying to stop...but the same can be said for some of the armored vehicles being bought.

    wheeled vehicles (thinking Strykers) are sorry on the battlefield but great for internal security.


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