Sunday, June 03, 2012

Politically correct Marine Corps bows to pressure again...

via Herald
— A controversial decision by commanders to again refer to a Beaufort F-18 squadron as the “Crusaders” has been reversed by a three-star general, according to Marine Corps officials.
Lt. Gen. Terry Robling, deputy commandant for aviation, issued an order April 30 that Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 122 discontinue use of the Crusaders nickname and a logo that featured a red cross on a white shield. The squadron will retain its identity as the “Werewolves,” said Lt. Col. Joseph Plenzler, a Corps spokesman.
Robling’s order came about a month after the unit’s commanding officer, Lt. Col. Wade Wiegel, announced during a 70th anniversary party the unit again would be known as the Crusaders, a nickname the squadron used from 1959 to January 2008.
In 2008, the squadron changed back to its World War II-era nickname, the Werewolves, before a combat deployment to Iraq later that year. The name change was partly because unit commanders thought the Crusaders nickname would not be well-received by Iraqis and others in the region.

I'm not surprised in the least.  Notice that the Commander tried to maintain tradition...esprit de corps....tried to maintain a touchstone to the past and was summarily over ruled by the Deputy Commandant for Aviation?

The closer Marine Corps leadership is to Washington the more pussified they become.  And you wonder why patches like this are so popular among the troops....

 I got these images from the MilSpec Monkey store page.  But the Deputy Commandant for Aviation is going to recieve a special patch from me...I hope it inspires him the next time he has to make a decision...I wonder if they make it in digital pink?

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