Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bill trips out.

I first heard about this from BlackFive and didn't want to believe that Bill really made such an ass of himself.

I checked out the video and yep.  B5 was spot on.  But even better the internet is exploding in rage (at least in the gun culture) at how stupid he is.  Since when is an AR-15 or an AK-47 in the same class as a bazooka or a mortar?  Bill is so misinformed that it hurts.

Simply amazing.

On a sidenote, if you're not getting B5's feed you're missing out.  Between McQ, Uncle Jimbo and the Laughing Wolf (not to mention the others) you're getting guys that are really tapped into guys that know what tugs on the heart strings of military, vets and right thinking people.  Check them out.

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