Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Costa-Haley Effect (CHE) and the perfect carbine setup.

The Costa Haley Effect (CHE) exemplified in his AR.

It goes a little like this.

- A 14 to 16 inch gas Carbine.  The higher dollar it is the better.
- Magpul buttstock (adjustable of course)
- Tango Down grip
- Aimpoint optics on a LaRue mount
- LaRue rails

Well you get the idea.  But hold on and be strong.  Once the gear makers have sold as many units of this setup you can bet that they'll move on to something else.  And that's the danger of this.  Its not really a matter of what works, its a matter of separating the consumer from his cash.  I mean really.  I have buddies that run compensators on AR's and they go 6'3" and 225!  The last thing they need is a compensator on a rifle that's as light as a 5.56!  Its more style than substance.  Of course night shoots are fun with these guys and the first time we did it they were blind as bats but that's all right...they were stylin'!

Spare us the trendy and that goes for HQMC too.  That's the danger with Marines attending 3 gun matches...some of its practical, most of it isn't and almost 90% of it is gear based.

And that's what this post is all about.  Time to get back to basics Marines.  3 gun is a sport that was designed to give sport shooters another platform to ply their skills on.  Unless the Marine Corps is about to start building race guns then its another trend that needs to be done away with.

It's coming and when it finally hits I'll be pounding walls.  The first time I see a Marine attempting to clear a room while using a C-clamp on his rifle I'll know that common sense when it comes to weapons handling has left the Corps.