Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Elements of Power is about to get medieval on Smallwood!


  1. Thanks Solomon, but really, this is about:
    1. Not taking any more BS from POGO or other so-called 'reformers' on defense topics.
    2. Going 'offensive' on 'reformer' tropes.
    3. Exposing 'reformer' objectives.
    If we had a competent media and education system
    it wouldn't be necessary. Mr Smallwood is merely their messenger this time.

  2. well suffice it to say that Smallwood got educated. i'm just waiting to read his response. popcorn is out, beer is poured and i'm waiting for the lion to devour the numb skull!

  3. They had it coming...in their idea we would be flying first day operations against double digit SAMs whit f-16A(because its lighter and cheaper)and A-10s...Jesus...


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