Sunday, July 15, 2012

Everything in Australia is trying to kill ya...

And unfortunately for this guy the shark succeeded.  Damn....British understatements can be a pain in the ass.  The guy was'nt mauled, he was bitten in was'nt just a great white shark, it was a MASSIVE shark tipping the scales at 12 to 15 feet long.  And the remark about having a problem when you've had 5 people killed in the past 10 months is an ongoing tragedy!  Yeah.  British understatements are a pain in the ass (Australian too!).

1 comment :

  1. They've almost certainly had far more than 10 people in car accidents in the past tenths, does that mean they have a car problem? They do not have a shark problem.

    If you enter a shark's environment looking like a seal, you should understand the risks. Ridiculous fear mongering that only encourages people to kill sharks.


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