It happened again.
One madman attacked a group of his fellow citizens and no one stood up to take the rabid dog down.
The video above shows what happens when good men stand up to defend themselves and others. Take a good look.
Evil flees in the presence of strength and determination not to be a victim.
You talk about how we should all be only police should have guns? Guess what. The police response was excellent. There actions on scene picture perfect. Yet too many were killed and injured.
Its time for the pussification of America to stop. Arm yourselves, become proficient with your weapons and take down rabid dogs where you find them. People die. Bad things will continue to happen but we should gird ourselves to that reality and not cry about the times in which we live. Fight back, make a difference.
You owe YOURSELF nothing less.
As expectged the anti-gun crowd has arrived and are throwing around statistics designed to back there position. Like I said. As expected. Paralus makes such a strong statement against there position that I thought it needed to be highlighted.
Pfooey. There are over 70 million gun owners in the US. We experience about 9-12k homicides a year, 15000 suicides and about 1100 accidents resulting in a death.
Taking out the suicides (firearm is the method, not the cause of those, which is mental illness), that means we have about 13k firearms homicides.
We have about 45k automobile related deaths each year in the US. One third of those involve alcohol. That means we tolerate 15k traffic deaths due to drunk driving.
We don't bat an eye at drunk driving or automobile deaths in our society, and the vast majority of simply accept it as the cost we pay for having access to alcohol and vehicles. We could easily require manufacturer's to install breathalyzer ignitions or develop technology that detects erratic driving, but we don't. Why? Drunk driving deaths are okay to our society.
But firearms? "Firearms are dangerous and should be banned".
More lives in the US have been adversely affected by alcohol-related traffic accidents than those affected by firearms deaths, but 'guns are the problem'. I bet more people have driven drunk themselves than known anyone involved in the firearms homicide.
As Malthusian population control factor, guns don't have anything on our own socially permissible vices.