Sunday, July 08, 2012

Gear question.

New skool setup.  Love it except for the fact that the ammo pouches take up entirely too much space with not enough return for the cost.  I like the material, but the real estate issue is a deal breaker.

Old skool setup.  For a war belt its good to go but the materials just don't cut it today.
If you read the captions on the above photos then you're halfway to my problem.  New skool setups are good to go but on warbelts leave alot to be desired when it comes to ammo carriage....old skool has ammo carriage right (takes up little space and you have 6 AR mags) but the materials suck.

Does anyone know if someone makes the old skool ammo pouches in cordura?



  2. Not a fan of multiple mags on top of each other, much easier to grab a single but that's why I set my gear up right in a ergonomical way. As a jtac my gear is set up alittle different than what I sent you in the past sol ill try to send you some pics latter

  3. yeah John, yours made sense to me...the setup looked right but just rolling with a war belt and not armor i want to maximize mag carry while minimizing space on the belt. that's why the old skool setup appeals. all these guys using kydex carriers to hold one mag when i can carry 6 in the same amount of room is what had me asking.

  4. In my humble opinion, that first line is overloaded (first picture)


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