Sunday, July 08, 2012

Naval Amphibious Capability in the 21st Century

Thanks Tom for hitting me with this document.  Good Stuff!

I wondered how HQMC viewed amphibious operations especially with regards to how the current administration views the military in general and the Marine Corps in particular.  Its not very encouraging.

We're seeing almost total surrender by Marine Corps leadership.  If you watch the Commandant's latest you'll see a leader almost crying because of pressure from Congress.  General Krulak would have been punching back.  General Gray would have been catching some of these Congressmen behind the building and ambushing them.  Current leadership is cowering in the fetal position begging someone to make the bad people stop.  That's the general behavior seen by all members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  Its really sad.

But back to this document.  Read it all, but pay particular attention to how SOCOM and the USMC fit together.  We're no longer a battle winning organization.  We're fully into support now.  A supporting role within the MEU to the Maritime Raid Force and the Marine Corps supporting SOCOM.

Bad days are here.  Check it out.

Naval Amphibious Capability in the 21st Century

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