Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Perfect camo...except for the black rifle.

Check out this picture of a Marine sweating his ass off at 29 Palms (been there, done that have more than a few t-shirts)....

That MARPAT Desert works.

It works great and the US Army deserves a foot in the ass for not adopting it.  But ignore that issue for a minute and what stands out.  Those gay ass shades he's wearing and that black rifle.

Isn't it time for the Marine Corps to duracoat all its weapons coyote brown and be done with it?  That's pure dee craziness.  A camo system that works and then you mess it all up with a black rifle that stands out!

That's the kind of back to basics thinking that the Marine Corps needs to adopt.  Enough of the social engineering -- we need a focus on getting each and everything right when it comes to winning on the battlefield.

Every Marine, everywhere sweating his nuts off deserves nothing less.