Monday, July 09, 2012

Pussification of the Marine Corps. Infantry Officers Course open to women.

Thanks for the article Sferrin.  I think.  

Hey AMOS.  Just turn in your stars now.  You're fucking up the Marine Corps and we don't need you anymore.  Just carry your sorry ass out the door.

via the New York Times.
Col. Todd S. Desgrosseilliers, the commander of the Basic School, which oversees the course, said he had no special concerns as the course prepares to accept women. “Nothing more so with women than with men,” he said.
“We expect them to be fit enough to go through the course when they get here, just like the men are.”
The 86-day course, which meets four times a year, is called the corps’ most grueling school by its instructors and is intended to screen and train potential infantry officers. Its students are volunteers selected from lieutenants who have completed Officer Candidates School and the six-month Basic Officer Course, which trains all Marine lieutenants to lead provisional infantry platoons and in leadership, tactics, fitness and weapons. That school has been coed for decades.
That's a fucking lie and the Colonel knows it.

I would pay good money for just one person near Washington D.C. that's associated with the Marine Corps to tell the truth.  They won't because they have no moral courage at all.

The Pussification of the Marine Corps is damn near complete.  I'm proud to say I'm old Corps cause this new Marine Corps is going to get slaughtered on a battlefield one day.  You think a terrorist is going to care if a Marine Infantry Person is crying like a baby before he slams a knife between that persons ribs? 

Fuck the leadership for not having the balls to call a spade a spade.  Fuck Congress for not realizing that equality means little on the battlefield.  And fuck the mothers of America that are lining up their daughters to be killed, raped and dismembered on future battlefields.

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