Thursday, July 26, 2012

Quick Rant. The President did it again.

Sorry guys.  Rant time.

The President did it again.

He grabbed onto a cultural issue when he was getting kicked in the head over economic issues.  The Romney campaign has been making hay over the gaff that the President committed by stating that government builds small businesses.

Polls indicate that he was losing ground because of this issue.

So when he's getting hit over the economy he latches onto a cultural issue to make up ground.  He was losing ground earlier this year and he repealed DADT.  He was getting hit by unemployment news in the Latino and Black communities so he put forth the dream act and an African American studies office.

This might work short term but the 10 ton Gorilla in the room is the economy.  And thats what people will be voting on in November.


  1. Sol,

    if that's what he's doing [I don't follow US politics that close], or even where he leans, then it's good news. In the sense that you're about to have elections. Be glad for it.

    Take care.

  2. I think what the President's campaign is doing will work (barring an unforeseen disaster).

    Romney, an uncharismatic, business executive, was the worst choice for the Republicans in this climate. Moreover, his message seems out of step with the times, and lacks inspiration, in my opinion.

    For a man who knows business, he can't seem to figure out the business of putting together a competent campaign.

    They better hold the line in the Congress, because I think we will have 4 more years of this Administration.

  3. not gonna happen. the unemployment rate is too high, the economy too weak and the country too pissed off for him to get another term.

    additionally Romney isn't really firing yet. wait till after the convention. my bet is he comes out guns blazing and lastly you can't go by poll results. pollsters haven't caught on but people lie to them constantly. its almost a game.

    i'm calling a blow out with the Repubs getting the house senate and white house. if they screw up then we'll have divided govt again and then we'll get the dems again.


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