Sunday, July 08, 2012

Silva kills it.

Silva killed it.

I was suppose to put this up first thing but to be honest I got tracked on a few other things.  But lets face it.  The fight didn't live up to the hype and Sonnen was just like most people these days....he talks too much, trained too little and thought that popularity would see him win.

Just like most people he was wrong.  Silva started slow but in the end pounded him like a piece of cold meat.

Check out the reports of the fight here.


  1. Another ground and pound, rush for the takedown, incomplete fighter - UFC is full of these guys.

    Sonnen's performance (or lack of it) surprised me. Full mount and he couldn't get it done with time to spare. Then he follows it up by getting goaded into doing a move that rarely ever connects, against a guy in his element. That o shit look he had on his face on the ground, after tripped was priceless.

    Anderson's biggest challenge is to avoid getting mentally sidetracked (stuff like that documentary has me worried). Will he stay disciplined, keep his mind sharp, and not let it get all loose?

  2. yeah i'll never understand going for a spinning backhand against a fighter of Silva's caliber. that was arrogant and stupid. you're right about the o'shit look. and like you said not getting it done in full mount? in the first fight he rocked Silva's world from that position and in this fight he went full puss mode.

    bt back to Silva. to be honest the best thing he could do is to retire right now and go start a camp in Arizona or Utah. People would flock to him, he could get Brazilian ju-jitsu going big in the US and he should already be set for life.

    most fighters hang around too long and Silva is getting a little long in the tooth for the fight game.

    best to quit while on top.

  3. Sonnen got caught. He dominated every second of the 1st round and in the previous fight he looked good striking vs Silva. Absolute credit to Silva for both pulling out the first fight and taking immediate advantage of Sonnen with that knee to the chest when he was down from his ill advised back fist.

    Sonnen couldn't finish him the first fight when he had him Silva on the ground the whole fight and couldn't finish it this fight when he had him on the ground the entire first round. Before the fight started I said to everyone I was watching it with that Sonnen either worked a lot on strikes while on the ground or he's going to give Silva a chance the whole fight to beat him again.

    Silva looked scared pre fight and he had flop sweat. He has fantastic skills and he took the first opportunity he had and quickly ended the fight. Great job. His not doing this the past 3 or 4 years is why he lost a lot of fans.

    I don't think Silva is done and the only fighters at his weight that might challenge him one day seem to need a couple more years at least. There's no point in Silva fighting at 205 with Jones owning that division and I really don't see the point in trying to get GSP to add that much more weight to fight Silva. The problem with Silva is for so many years there either wasn't anyone really competitive for him in his division and/or other fighters were ducking him.

    I thought it was a good fight and frankly Sonnen is the only decent opponent Silva has had the past 5 years. That's not Silva's fault in any way but it would have been nice seeing him fight top guys. The point here is I don't want to say anything bad about Sonnen given he's the only decent opponent who's been willing to show up and fight. Finally I very much liked Silva take the high road after the fight and credit Sonnen.

    If you want to talk about a bad fight I'd argue Griffin and Ortiz was the that fight on many different levels.

  4. i can't dispute a thing you said, but i still think he should hang it up now and reitre untarnished. i mean we are talking about the MMA and not pro boxing and anything can happen during any fight. if Silva retires now he'll go down as the most dominating fighter of his time. besides 5 plus years as champ is almost unheard of in this sport. but one thing you mentioned that i'd love to see is GSP add some weight and fight if he'd be willing. i think he could handle the weight and would give a better show than Sonnen has.

    Griffin and Ortiz was a joke .... didn't even watch it and to be honest it had no interest for me. a couple of guys way past prime.

  5. Either way the sad thing is there's very little chance Silva has a real challenge if he fights another couple years and of course eventually someone will emerge to beat him when he is clearly past his prime.

    I don't think it's fair for GSP to have to go all the way to middleweight. He's said if he ever does it that he'll never go back to 155 as he'll have to add too much muscle mass. I'd rather see a catch weight fight but I think Silva won't be motivated to drop to say 175 given he's fought well at 205. I don't think GSP can beat Silva at 185.

    Both guys have totally dominated their divisions for years now and while they're both great it actually has been sad that neither has had quality competition. Jones is so young it's actually scary to think how long he might own 205. He's actually still pretty raw and gets better every fight and he might just surpass Silva's record.

    I don't disagree that Silva could retire but if he wants to fight and make money I've got no problem with that. The only one to blame is Dana for not finding quality opponents for him.


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