Thursday, July 19, 2012

When Joint becomes stupid.

via DefenseTalk. 
Air Force and Navy personnel at Camp Lemonnier integrated their security forces into one cohesive unit July 1.
The overall purpose of this integration was to enhance security efforts on camp. Before the integration, the two branches had separate areas of security responsibility, which presented a few challenges.
And now you're seeing the idiocy of the "Joint Force."  This is crazy and stupid.  So you have two separate security units coming together and doing the job.  This tells me two things.  First that this camp isn't under real threat of attack and two, they're more concerned with publicity rather than efficiency.

Why do I say they're not REALLY worried about attack?  Because if they were then you wouldn't see a hodge podge security effort.  You'd see an Army, Navy or Air Force Security Force that was large enough to accomplish the task without having to be combined with any other service.  Second, if they were concerned about security then the last thing you would do is announce these changes.  But this tells me something else.  The action in Africa has moved on.  Its no longer at Camp Lemonnier.  Where is it?  I don't know.  But it left the Horn of Africa for sure.