Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A global force for good?

I always thought that the Navy catch phrase...a global force for good...was too much meals on wheels, too much peace corps and not enough war fighter.

Well it seems like they're starting to have that debate.  Check out the latest from USNI Blog.
I wonder however, if new recruits are the only audience? Shouldn’t our brand also appeal to the American taxpayers and their direct representatives on Capitol Hill? To the teachers, counselors, parents and coaches—those figures America’s youth look to when trying to figure out their personal way ahead? The point is that the “brand” has to appeal to a broad audience, with different levels of experience and different perspectives. The challenge is to reach and appeal to this wide audience with a clear and concise message of who we are.
Yeah he's right.  They should try to relate to not ony a wider audience but also to retired/vet Sailors.  The current marketing campaign doesn't do that. 

What has me laughing my ass off is that he thinks that young men joining the Navy are all for the cup cakes and unicorns.  That migh apply to a few since don't ask don't tell was repealed but the societal facts point to something else.  The fastest growing sport in America is mixed martial arts.  The biggest fitness craze is cross fit which is just a rip off of mixed martial arts training techniques.  The next fastest growing sport is weight lifting.  That points to a much more macho type mindset...a more conservative mindset than the powers that be are comfortable with.

Read the whole thing and compare/contrast the comments between those with fingers in the air trying to say the politically correct thing and those that are speaking the truth.

Its really quite funny.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but then again, the Founding Fathers created the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of War. I really hadn't thought of it until I heard a speech from Thomas P.M. Barnett where he talked about the differences.

    Yeah, the swabbies can blow shit up if need be, but they have a broader spectrum that goes beyond just war. The Navy is also part goodwill ambassador, peacekeeper, disaster response, cop on the beat and everything else along Operations Other Than War (remember that phrase?) spectrum.

    The Secretary of War was the Break Glass in Case of Emergency, "I'll-kick-yer-shit", it's on-like-donkey-kong warclub to be used exclusively for breaking stuff.

    I know that isn't the case, but it puts the Navy in a different light beyond just gunboats.


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