Thursday, August 02, 2012

A kick in the teeth to British air power.

This has got to be a kick in the teeth to British air power advocates.  The decision has been made and even though many disagree with it what's done is done.  But to now see US Marine Harriers flying air support for British units must be a serious WTF moment for at least a few Brit flyers.

1 comment:

  1. The writing was on the wall since they retired the
    Sea Harriers. The RAF is in love with their expensive fighters (Typhoon) and thus can't afford cost effective attack aircraft, like the Jaguar and Harrier, and has to eliminate other critical capabilities such as maritime patrol aircraft.

    British defense planning has left many with questions the past decade. The RN has too few ships and sunk a lot of resources into 65,000 ton aircraft carriers when it's debatable they can afford to operate both with full complements of aircraft; moreover, the number of surface combatants and subs is too few for requirements. One could go on about the cuts to the Army but it's all just rather sad to watch.


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