Thanks for this story John!
via Marine Corps Times.
I'm laughing my ass off.....
I'm thinking that he's callling the kettle black....
I think this guy is full of shit.
via Marine Corps Times.
WASHINGTON — Special operations chief Adm. Bill McRaven warned his troops, current and former, that he would take legal action against anyone found to have exposed sensitive information that could cause fellow forces harm.
"We will pursue every option available to hold members accountable, including criminal prosecution where appropriate," the four-star commander wrote, in an open, unclassified letter emailed to the active-duty special operations community Thursday, and obtained by The Associated Press.
The warning came a day after a retired Navy commando revealed he is publishing a first-hand account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Pentagon officials say they have not been given a chance to review the book, but Pentagon spokesman George Little said Friday officials expect to receive a copy "very shortly."
I'm laughing my ass off.....
I'm thinking that he's callling the kettle black....
I think this guy is full of shit.
I hate to keep brining this up but a retired Special Forces General spoke up and told the good Admiral to get out of the press. McRaven laughed in the retired Special Forces General's face along with some idiotic journalist. I hope the General (whose name I forgot) is pouring himself a double shot of Jack Daniels, calling this son of a bitch up and telling him I told ya so.
NOTE: He should be directing this message to SEAL teams. The problem isn't SOCOM wide.