Monday, August 20, 2012

Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch.

The Marine Corps does a good job of leveraging off the expertise found in other services when possible, one area where it isn't is amphibious vehicle testing.

Because of that the Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch was established.  You can check out their website here, but unfortunately a unit history isn't provided.  To be quite honest I'm extremely curious and wonder how long they've been in existence.  What  I do know is that they've had a hand in bringing the improved AAV into existence and they were working hard on the EFV before it went belly up.

The AVTB.  One of the unknown units of the Corps.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh avtb. They were a huge part of the efv program, one of the few reasons why that program had anything positive cone out of it was because they wpuldnt except a crap product. If they hadn't been around im sure we would have a crappy efv fully of problems.

    That being said they have their fair ahair of problems


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