Saturday, August 25, 2012

Arrogance on display. Courtesy USNI Blog.

I'm not a fan of the USNI Blog.  Some of the writers yes.  The majority of them?  NOT AT ALL!

They vast majority of them represent the very worst values to be found in individuals in the military...they're self serving, self important, believe the world revolves around them and they think that the military owes them something.

The latest example of this comes from a YN2.  Read the whole thing but check this out.
Get through ‘A’ School, and through a duty station, probably in/around DC.  Then apply for the sabbatical program in the Navy, and finish whatever schooling I have left.
But, even with this plan, I don’t want to leave SHAPE.  I doubt that anyone who reads this blog dislikes my Boss, ADM Stavridis.  But, I also doubt many people who read this blog have worked for him.  Trust me, he’s even better to work for than his reputation lets on.  I know that anywhere else I go in the Navy, the ideas will not be as good, the drive to bring good ideas forward will not be as earnest, and I will miss all of this so terribly much–Please, all of you out there, prove me wrong in that, let me know who next to go work for as a CTR, I beg you.
I don’t care that I will become just another CTR2 out there in the Fleet–in fact I miss the Fleet.  But, I do care about not being around ideas.  And that is why I want to get out, because in a very real sense, I know that in four years I’ve worked in that once-in-a-generation Command.
I don't know how USNI came to a point where its allowing its authors to pen articles that are this self serving.  This selfish.  This limited in its scope.

But they have.

I just wonder where the trustees are.  Where is the leadership that says this is bullshit.

And if you're sitting there saying "hey the guy is making a decision and he's sharing it with the world" then consider this.

Thousands of Marines are making this very decision right now without whining.

Thousands of Marines are facing the very tough situation of wanting to remain in the Corps but will be forced out anyway.

Thousands of Marines are making a decision and dealing with the consequences.

But not this sailor.  Not this guy.  He's important.  He's the only one that's going through this.  He's special.

He makes me fucking sick.


  1. You appear to hate any blog that has writers that make extensive use of facts and that don't insult people when they disagree with them.

    Funny, eh?

    Pathetic little fucker.

  2. Quousque tandem Catilina abutere patientia nostra

  3. I guess Sol doesn't think it's important for the Navy to understand why some of it's brightest and most dedicated petty officers would choose to leave. He's one of those old guys that likes to tell everyone how tough it was in the "old Corps", with lots of embellishment and a selective memory.

  4. thousands of Marines are doing the same thing in private but this little fucker is special huh? fuck you and your arrogance. fuck this little peon for thinking he's special and fuck USNI to give him a platform to whine and kiss ass.

  5. Cicero? really?

    as for this, i dont understand the complaining, just suck it up we all have good commands and leave to go somewhere eles. its part of the job, we rotate so we spread knowledge, experience and its a system that works. I dont like where im at, but im going to do this deployment, come back and go where i want hopefully. This "Brightest, most Dedicated" petty officer cant be so dedicated if hes bitching up a storm about having to change commands. Get over being all comfy at your currently place pack up and move.

    As for Sol, and the "old Corps" it needs to be spread from time to time, people got to use to the time of plenty in the military, need to start learning how to be "frugal" and use what we get. I dont always agree with him and ill post it here, but hes got his views and has a solid reason why he belives it.



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