Thursday, August 23, 2012

Don't blame the SEAL, blame the publisher!

Brandon Webb over at SOFREP has a weird take on the author of the tell all book about the Bin Laden raid.  A few tidbits before he changes the article to make it sing better....
Our opinion is that the publisher at Penguin clearly had no concern for National Security or Operational Security (OPSEC), or they would have not published this book. Should publishers have more accountability? We say yes.
(My Comment:  You have got to be shitting me.  The publisher is wrong but the author gets a pass?  Bullshit)

The Internet and social media has created a world where headlines live and die depending on who’s first to Tweet about it.  It’s something that is causing major headaches in the US Special Operations community.
“The Admiral (SEAL) has locked down all media projects until further notice”- A SEAL Master chief recently told SOFREP.
(My comment:  Too damn late.  McRaven was told by an old time Special Forces General to get out the media.  He laughed at the guy.  Bet he ain't laughing now)

One thing is becoming apparent from the outside looking in.  The SEALs might be the rock stars of the Special Ops world but they're gonna pay a price for all this.  The whole community is. 


  1. I jogged home from the train station to yell at you quicker when I saw that headline :)

  2. Nobody gets a free pass with me:

    -Jack Murphy


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