Friday, August 24, 2012

Former Navy SEAL already getting death threats.

I knew this would happen.

But its this guys fault.  He outed himself when he wrote the book but perhaps more importantly he outed his buddies too.  Check this story out.

(NBC NEWS) Users on several militant Islamic websites affiliated with al-Qaida have posted the name and photo of a former Navy SEAL identified as the author of an upcoming book on the commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The posts called for his “destruction” in revenge for the al-Qaida founder’s killing.
Among the website publishing the death threats was the “Al-Fidaa” web forum, which al-Qaida uses to distribute its media and public communications, said Evan Kohlmann, an NBC News consultant and a terrorism analyst at Flashpoint Partners, a global security firm.
The source of the photo, which appears to show a special operations soldier in leveling an automatic rifle during a training exercise, was not immediately clear.
I wish I could feel sympathy.

I wish I could be worried for the guy.

But he brought this on himself.  Sorta like a middle class guy going into a dangerous part of the city to buy drugs or prostitutes.  If something bad happens he brought it on himself and can only blame himself for making a very bad decision.  Just like this Former SEAL did by writing this book.


  1. ....maybe, just maybe...this was planned....

    Lure them in...take them out. way we planned that well

  2. sad part is just like you said the other day how many of his fellow seals still in uniform or out now and get identified are also at risk, also his family/friends, it gets scary.

  3. Now his buddies and their families have to be looking over their backs forever.

  4. oh yeah. and the sadest thing is that they probably won't go after the SEALs...too hard...but a mother, wife, daughter or son? yeah they'd go after them in a heartbeat. they'll rape her on camera and brag about it to the world before cutting off her head.

  5. Now, correct me if I'm wrong. But if they do that, the gloves come off. Gauntlets, more like. And I don't mean the official ones, but... how many SEALs (and other groups) have retired, here and there?

    Pandora's box. And I'm afraid it's already open.

    Take care

  6. yeah its open and this Navy SEAL opened it. each and every individual represents his or her own service. so SEALs are persona non grata right now.

  7. I'm thinking of the possibilities of retaliation by former SEALs [*] against those who'd kill their partners' loved ones.

    Take care

    [*] I don't know if they have the same former vs. ex- bias as the USMC, but I'll play it the safe way


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