Monday, August 13, 2012

H-8 Stealth Bomber. The next shoe to drop from China.

I had fun with a series of posts on a Chinese strike on an American Carrier Battle Group.

A light Google search reveals the next shoe to drop from Chinese design bureaus will be a stealth bomber---the H-8.

Several Chinese language blogs are talking about it and it just plain makes sense.  A glaring hole in Chinese force projection is the lack of a bomber with hemispheric reach.

A nation that is putting up a space station, has designed its own stealth fighter/striker and is producing 4.5 gen fighters surely is capable of producing a modern least equal to the B-1.

Yet we still haven't seen it.

And that's why I predict the next shoe to drop from the land of the Dragon will be a stealth bomber.

Imagine designing a defense for a carrier when they have several regiments of homegrown stealth bombers to throw into the mix.

1 comment:

  1. in the case of real full bore war with USA, the chinese will not pit their force face to face to america's superior air and naval power , they will as you say in boxing attack sideways.. sea mine warfare and massed ASM salvoes against US naval superiority, advanced AA/AD weapons to counter american air power superiority.. all while blinding US Military satellites , poking the eagle's eyes..

    as for the US Carrier's fate in a shooting war with china , it will be the target from combination of submarine attackes, supersonic ASM salvoes, those nasty Ballistic Missiles and all that while maneuvering on a mine infested waters with nuclear spectre hovering behind both nation..

    as for land / ground war against china , forget it.. if the underfed PVA easily destroyed american ground forces in the misguided korean offensive, it would be total slaughter for US ground forces to face the current chinese military..


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