Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Have the US Navy SEALs lost their fucking minds???

via Soldier Systems.
We recently posted a video entitled, “Dishonorable Disclosures” by a group named OpSec that was making a case that the Obama administration had been releasing details of special operations for political gain. Their timing couldnt have been worse. We knew that a major book was on the horizon (and they should have to) by a bin Laden raid participant so we were a bit cautious about the whole politicized thing. Since the OpSec group is headed by SEALs it would surely make them look kind of foolish if an even bigger leak came out by a fellow SEAL. Well, now that book has been announced. According to a report by ABC News, “The book, titled “No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama bin Laden,” was written by a former SEAL team leader who the publisher said was “one of the first men through the door on the third floor of the terrorist leader’s hideout.” See the ABCNews story for details on the upcoming book by “Mark Owen.”
While we are certainly looking forward to reading the book, we hope that the group OpSec will attempt to maintain their legitimacy by also working to educate the public on any damage that this book might cause. Here’s your chance to do the right thing guys.
Man I hope this is all a false news story.


If it isn't then someone needs to get that community together and tell them to knock it off!  I'll never forget when Admiral McRaven was told by an old time retired Special Forces General to get out of the news media.  The Admiral laughed at him.  I bet he isn't laughing now.

Special Operations always complains that Big Army or Big Navy or Big Whatever always gets in the way and keeps them from operating the way that they would like.

If shit like this keeps up you can bet that Special Operations will be snatched back again....and just think...a few months ago McRaven wanted Combatant Commander status to deploy his forces world wide!


  1. I guess I will read that one after I finish "Lone Survivor".

    "Act of Valor" was the tipping point. Nothing surprises me anymore after that.

  2. Maybe I won't be reading it after all.

    Officials indicated Wednesday that neither the author nor the publisher had cleared the book’s contents with the Defense Department or the CIA, a step ordinarily required by former service members or spies seeking to write about classified operations.

    “As far as we can determine, this book was not submitted for pre-publication review,” said CIA spokesman Preston Golson.

    Pentagon spokesman George Little said he was “unaware that anyone in the department has reviewed it.”

  3. SOCOM damage control. i'll bet we'll be able to get our hands on electronic versions of it.

  4. What aload of bull****, story this is.
    I mean, think of it like this, republicans, cant attack obama on his war record, for anything, he might have done, because he got "osama".

    They instead trumpet a non issue, ooh operational security, your putting "mens livesd at risk".... pointing it all at the door of obama.

    This was and still is one of the biggest news stories, of the last 11 years, how long do you think anything would stay secret in this 24 hour "news whore" society we live in. How many ex navy seal or any special forces they'd have telling the public how they traced him.

    Do you think it was some big secret we're listining in on mobiles, e-mails & any other form of electronic devices. that they build up pictures from scraps of intelligence, from aerial pictures from predators & satelites, which they where smart enough to avoid, from human intel, gathered from, guantanamo, shock horror.

    this type of negative election campaigning, is frankly damaging to the republican party, as it turns off moderates within their own party and frankly only panders to their own fringes.

    lets be honest, george, would have used osama's death for all it was worth. anyone think any differently?

  5. first Bush was a disgrace. second, the SEALs ARE talking too much. last, operational security is real. besides only people that are into military matters are actually following this and if you think that the majority of those folks are liberal then you're smoking crack. i am constantly amazed at how liberals are trying to tell conservatives whats good for them. i mean seriously if i hated someone and they were doing something to self destruct then i wouldn't stop them. i'd shut the fuck up and enjoy the show. so that tells me that tis is probably hitting a vein. i personally don't care about this story. its a riddle without need of being solved. its politics and no cryiing is allowed.

  6. God damm Solomon,

    We agree on something, without going twenty rounds, on why the other guy is full of shit!!!!

    We agree on the broad strokes, atleast,

    This is a non story & george was a moron.


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