The HMS Daring just got back from its first deployment and by all appearances it was quite successful. But a couple of questions hang out in the ether for me...
Is the Daring the most advanced anti-air destroyer in the world? By everything I've read (even knocking off a 10% embellishment fee) it is. Nicely done by whatever design shop did it. Next, I love the concept of independent operations by warships...but when they do integrate with allied navies why do they always aim to link up with Carrier Battle Groups? The capabilities that these ships bring would be most useful (especially when I think about the US and the UK teaming up) to Amphibious Ready Groups. The HMS Daring could almost provide anti-air coverage for almost all engagements up to full fledged warfare against a peer competitor. An example would be a joint US-UK intervention into Syria. One Daring class destroyer could protect a combined amphibious group all by its lonesome.
I really like this ship.