Thursday, August 23, 2012

Japanese AAVs?

Interesting.  If the Japanese are actually looking to buy AAVs then that would make them the second country in less than a month that's shown interest in the vehicle (the first is Brazil).

This puts the AAV upgrade/ACV development in a totally different light.  IF the Japanese are interested then the AAV upgrade/ACV programs will probably merge.  This could be just the kind of news that the Marine Corps needs to help save its vehicle programs AND a bit of money.

The only thing left is to solve the doctrine issues.  Why do we need MRAPs in storage and JLTVs?  If we need JLTVs then why are we only replacing a portion of the HUMVEEs with them instead of replacing all of them?  If we're upgrading the AAV, developing the ACV then why do we need the MPC? If we need the MPC then why develop the ACV and upgrade the AAV?

We're spending money without a plan as to why.  This is why I say Marine Corps procurement is jacked up.

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