Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Javelin Thrust 2012

Pure craziness.  Not the training.  That's good to go, but the confusion on operational philosophy is annoying.  All the rage was once distributed operations with a focus on small unit tactics.  That even extended to amphibs with distributed Amphibious Ready Groups and Mini-ARGs.  Now we're seeing an emphasis on Marine Expeditionary Brigades ... first with Bold Alligator and now with Javelin Thrust.  The Marine Corps is confused when it comes to future direction. 


  1. Is it confusion or showing operational flexibility?

  2. i say confusion. operational flexibility still exists without this emphasis. think about the MEF. no table tops for that. but you aren't seeing it exercised to the extent that the MEB is.

  3. MEBs are easier to exercise. ;)

    It seems to me that a lot of the focus on DO and small unit ops were experimental in nature and not ready for prime time.

  4. and you can't say the same for MEB's? its a concept that has very little actual use. MEF's have been worked hard....MEU's harder still but this notional middle unit hasnt.

    its bullshit on the highest order. but if you just want to argue it i'm game.

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