Tuesday, August 14, 2012

LCS vs...

Rules of the fight are simple.  You're commanding an LCS and you're going up against another threat.  Your only weapons are those that are integral to the ship itself.  No helicopters but mission modules are allowed.  Winner is determined by who ever is left standing at the end....

First up.  LCS vs.Pirate Dhow...
Operating off the coast of Africa, your LCS has been charged with stopping illegal piracy.  You spot a dhow that you suspect of being a pirate ship and as you approach to launch your boarding party, you're hit with small arms fire and RPGs.  You retaliate with your 57mm cannon and make short work of the threat.  LCS 1.  Pirates 0.  LCS wins.

LCS vs. Fast Attack Missile Boat.
Future war in S. China sea.  Your LCS is acting as a picket ship.  No helicopters are onboard as they've been called back to reinforce the anti-sub net for the Carrier Battle Group.  Suddenly from behind an island, a Houbei class fast attack boat comes storming out.  They're 25 miles away and you launch your Griffin missile and start punching out decoys and smoke 'cause you know a long range missile is coming.  Your Griffin missile comes up short (you knew it would, you just hoped it would get a reaction from the enemy) and you speed away at 50 knots.  The engine will have to be rebuilt but that means you'll have survived the encouter.  A rebuilt engine will be a small price to pay for the joy of living another day.  God frowns and you die.  Your ship is a smoking wreck.  The Chinese paint a silhoutte of an LCS on the bridge, your crew is shark food and the LCS is destroyed by a boat less than half its size.  LCS 0.  Fast Attack Boat 1.  Rematch.  LCS is given a mission module with Harpoon missiles.  The circumstances of the battle remain the same.  The outcome?  Mutual destruction.  Both ships launch at range and both ships are hit.  The Chinese missile has a heavy warhead so the results are the same on the US side.  The Chinese ship being small is also damaged beyond repair.  The sharks dine on both crews.  LCS loses.  Rematch?  LCS loses.  Houbei loses.

LCS vs. Frigate.
LCS vs a La Fayette class frigate.  Hmmm.  This should be a decent match up.  With anti-ship modules both ships are similarly equipped and since the La Fayette class carries Exocet missiles the throw weight of their weaponry is also similar.  Circumstances of the ship to ship combat are irrelevant.  Equal opponents.  Equal weaponry.  Comes down to a pick'em.  Results.  Tie.

Long story short?  You can't fight an LCS against anything bigger than a Frigate.  And thats where the Navy should go with these ships.  Equip the ships as frigates and add them to the fleet.  Modules should be limited to Special Ops only.  An anti-surface package and anti-sub package should be a given.  Limited anti-air should come from close in defense and its 57mm guns.  Re-engining them with a more economical engine should be a given and the idea of speeds approaching 40 knots should be abandonded.  It still won't be perfect but it will be servicable.