Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Makassa Class LPD. Indonesian excellence.

You think the Type 71 LPD that China is producing is impressive?  You like the move by Australia to buy used Brit LPDs?  Are you impressed by the Singapore Endeavour Class LPD?

If your answer is the same as mine and you say yes to the above (except for being impressed by the Type 71...poor copy of the San Antonio) then understand something.  They're good but there is better in the region.  And they're not from Japan or Korea.  Check out the Makassa Class that belongs to Indonesia! 

The US is making a late turn to the Pacific.  With the limited research I've done on the subject it really seems like the arms race in that region has been going on for at least 10 years...while we have been in the sand, they've (and I mean all the major players in that region) been gearing up.  We had better be quick.  We're already behind the eight ball when it comes to catching up to events.