Thursday, August 30, 2012

Marine Corps Public Affairs better get a handle on the training with civilian law enforcement.

The training scenarios with US Marines working with civilian law enforcement is a bad idea. News stories like this don't help....via
CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. - Training at Camp Lejeune Thursday looked and felt real -- and that was the point. Law officers and marines from across the country ended their training with a bang.
Thursday was the final day of exercises for law enforcement and marines who have gone through special reaction team training at Camp Lejeune for the past three weeks. In the final exercise, teams were presented with a series of real life scenarios as well as hands on instruction to handle them correctly.
Brian Dye, Operations Chief of I&I in Lexington, Kentucky says training civilians as a blended force with Marine Corps personnel eases the transition into a real world scenario.

"I think it's always good when you get an opportunity to work on some similar tactics and procedures so that everybody's kind of operating on the same page. That way when you bring teams together from active duty and the  civilian side, it makes the integration a whole lot smoother."

The tactics trainees take away from this course just may help save lives.  This three week SRT training course is phase one for law enforcement and Marine Corps personnel. Phase two will focus on sniper and designated marksmanship training.
I don't know if these are Infantrymen or Military Police but someone at the Public Affairs Office needs to get out ahead of this stuff.

The internet is blowing up about this and its sparking some pretty infammatory comments. I'm not saying that anything evil is going on here.  But it needs to be explained before some loons start taking aim at Marines because they think they're coming to "declare martial law"...sounds over the top?  Read some websites.

The Marine Corps NEEDS to get ahead of the curve and explain this!

NOTE:  Here is an example of what I'm talking about.  The internet is aflame with this.


  1. I'm no loon. I have no intention of "taking aim at Marines".

    I do not expect martial law.

    They do need to explain themselves.

    Militarized LEO trained in high intensity tactics is a serious concern to me.

    Thank you for the link. I think.

  2. geez. let me be clear if i haven't been. i don't think you're a loon. i'm super concerned aobut the Marine Corps training with law enforcement.

    the Marine Corps is making no explanations for whats going on and it leads to speculation that something is afoot. i'm trying to give the corps the benefit of the doubt but they have me thinking that martial law is being trained for. i'm no loon but i believe its a serious possibility.

    trust me. i'm no enemy of your position but rather an ally.


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