Saturday, August 04, 2012

Notification. A Marine Mom's quest.

Gunny Kenefick reading Sgt Myers' award at a ceremony in Afghanistan days before the fateful battle of Ganjgal that claimed his life.
I've been communicating with Gynny Kenefick's mom, Susan Price over the course of a few days mostly by e-mail.

No slam on my readers.  Love you guys even when you disagree with me.  But let's be honest.  This blog doesn't get the type of attention or have the horsepower to properly tell the story.  Because of that, I've reached out to another blogger that I trust and has the smarts to tell me what to do to make this story get the type of reach necessary to make a difference.

I've been an observer and critic of the military in general and the Marine Corps in particular when necessary.  I don't know how to advocate for a worthy cause.  I believe getting to the bottom of that cluster fuck known as the battle of Ganjgal is such a cause.

This post services as a notification and as a call to arms.  Pretty soon (when I get guidance from my higher up) I'll be issuing the warning order.  Make sure your shit is packed right, that you're traveling light and have enough ammo for the fight.  This Marine Mom deserves it.

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