Saturday, August 25, 2012

SOCOM is operating in Mexico.

Read between the line on this one.  Check out this tidbit and read the rest for yourself.

The U.S. Embassy did not release the names of the injured workers, who it said were heading to a military training base south of Mexico City. Its statement said the employees and a Mexican naval captain traveling with them were fired on by a group of men, and were chased when they tried to escape. The naval officer was not seriously injured.
Mexico's federal police agency acknowledged that its own officers fired on the embassy's SUV, which appeared to be armored and has diplomatic plates. It said the officers were in the area looking for criminals, but it did not explain what happened.
Its statement said at least four vehicles fired at the embassy vehicle on a road south of the capital, but it did not clarify whether any or all of them were federal police units. Federal police spokesmen did not respond to The Associated Press requesting further comment.
A U.S. official who was briefed on the shooting said later that all the shots were fired by federal police.

A diplomatic vehicle?

US govt. workers?

Traveling with a Mexican Naval Officer?

You heard it here first.  SOCOM is operating just South of the border.


  1. Wasn't there some "no comment" recently regarding Force Recon?

    Take care

  2. Not a surprise (SOCOM south of the border AND elements of the Mexican security forces may be gunning for them) considering this article earlier this month:

  3. War is coming to the southern border states of the US. Let's hope Barry is up to the task of being a CinC when it is US citizens and not foreign nationals dying in large numbers. Something tells me he will regret standing for a second term. But not half as much as those who live in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Guns are strictly controlled in California so they will be safe. I don't think WW3 will be the West vs China, it will be the West vs Third World. The Europeans will be fighting on the streets of their own cities. Innocents will die for the ideals of the West's socialist elites. Ain't going to be pretty.

  4. i think steve your ideas are scare tactics and little else, there is violence and instability in the third world but if we placed the military on the border we could stop most of the incursions.

    1. I read IR at university specialising in security studies concentrating on small arms and light weapons proliferation. Further my other major was history my specialism being European empires of the modern era. What I am saying is I know what happens when you have areas of instability rubbing up against areas of stability. And I know what happens when their is an influx of peoples into an area with different values to those of the majority population. If you think Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico will start to resemble Northern Mexico without firm action being taken so be it. The LA basin will make Beirut and Baghdad look like minor skirmishes. Byzantium built a wall to keep out the barbarians and it didn't work. The US needs to not only shore up its defences on the north of the border but also take the fight south too.

    2. While you paint yourself as well-read, I think you're actually out of your mind.

  5. its a bit more than that joe. with our unfettered immigration policy we have immigrants that are not adopting American values. we've always had waves of immigration and then a pause to assimilate those that just came. we've had wave upon wave of immigrants without pause. they've setup communities that operate outside of established society with their own rules and enforcement procedures. that might sound good on the surface but what you really have are pockets of other countries inside our own. check out the French experience and look at some of the riots that have broken out.

    things will get bloody and messy...especially if we're in the middle of the next great depression like i suspect we are. with unemployment rates sky rocketing and no one telling the truth about that...with social progams going to take a hit soon...even an honest man would steal to feed his family. what would an unhonest man do?

    yep. its gonna get nasty.


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